Healthy Habits While Traveling = Better Vacations!

Healthy Habits While Traveling = Better Vacations!

It’s no secret that the most recent outbreak of COVID-19, or Coronavirus, has put a damper on travel plans worldwide. Many people are having to cancel vacations they have spent months saving up for, while others are conflicted on whether they want to follow through with their vacation. Nobody wants to spend their vacation sick, which is why Guide Me Away is giving you insightful information on developing healthy habits while traveling to ensure all of you remain healthy and enjoy your vacation!

Healthy Habits While Traveling:

Sanitize Everything!

healthy habits for a better vacation

Honestly, this might sound crazy, but it’s probably the most important healthy habit you will read on this post. Pack a few travel packs of Lysol wipes and sanitize everything you come in to contact with that isn’t yours. Once you get settled into your seat on the plane, pop open your tray table and sanitize it. With as much traffic as aircraft get daily, it’s probably difficult to go through and sanitize every inch of every plane.

As soon as you make it to your hotel, or wherever you are staying, give everything you may touch a wipe down. The remote, light switches, door handles, everything. It’s better to be over-cautious than to get sick, don’t you agree?

Get Plenty of Sleep

We will be the first to admit that sleep is almost impossible whenever you arrive in a new place. There are so many new things to explore, and you don’t want to miss anything due to sleeping. However, this is quite risky. When you cut back on sleep, your immune system becomes weaker, meaning it won’t be able to fight off everything you may come into contact with. That is why it’s SO important to listen to your body when it’s telling you that you need sleep. Don’t worry, we are currently working on this as well!

This is also a healthy habit to adopt in your daily lives too!

Stay Hydrated

stay hydrated while traveling for a better vacation

Planes are known for their recycled air in the cabins, and that’s why on longer flights you’ll see the flight attendants make a few rounds offering water. Due to the lack of air circulation, you are at an increased risk to becoming dehydrated…and that’s no way to start a vacation! Always pack a reusable water bottle and keep it filled at all times. We think this is a healthy habit you should try on your next vacation…and your body will thank you!

Skip the Metro and Walk

Walk everywhere

Even the smallest amount of exercise can have major impacts to your health. Choosing to walk will not only keep you active, but you will also get fresh air and some sunshine. All of these things will keep your body healthy so that it can fight off any and all things it may come in to contact with. If you won’t be needing to do a lot of sightseeing/traveling while on vacation…then schedule in some time at your hotel’s gym…anything to get your heartbeat up. Don’t skip adding this healthy habit to your travel plans!

Wash Your Hands Regularly

This should be self explanatory, but always wash your hands…before and after each meal especially. When you are traveling, you aren’t the only ones experiencing your destination. There are thousands of other people as well, all of which come from different places. It might be hard to wash your hands with soap and water frequently, so be sure you bring hand sanitizer with you for those moments where you cant make it to a sink!

Don’t Drastically Change Your Diet

Healthy diet

Being on vacation means relaxation and being able to “let loose” Don’t do this with your meals. Try your best to stick to your normal diet, and maybe throw in some extra fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies are excellent sources to the vitamins and nutrients our bodies need and by incorporating them in to your travel diets, you can be sure you’ll remain the healthiest you!

As you can see, there are ways to remain healthy while traveling. If you have an upcoming vacation, try adopting some of our  healthy habits and see how much better you feel during and after your vacation! You just might thank us. 🙂

Looking to plan your family’s next vacation? Contact our travel professionals today! We are eagerly waiting to give you insightful information for a unique experience that is catered to your interests!

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